Under the Residential Tenancies Acts throughout all States and Territories and the Privacy Act, you are entitled to Access your personal information held by TICA.
TICA is required under the Residential Tenancies Act to respond within 14 days.
Click on your state to download the request form and information.
Which State are you a Residential Tenant in?
NSW Free Residential Tenancy Database Report
This report is based only on one database that TICA holds if you are listed as a default tenant
Under Section 216 of the NSW Residential Tenancies Act 2010,
Subsection 2. A database operator must, if asked in writing by a person whose personal information is in the residential tenancy database kept by the operator, give the person a copy of the information within 14 days after the request is made.
Subsection 3. A database operator must not charge a fee for giving personal information under subsection (2)
To obtain your free copy, please download and send to TICA via post. Your report will be emailed to you.
NB: if no information is held on the TICA Residential Tenancy Database, a report will not be emailed.
NB: This service only applies to a person (tenant) and does not apply to their representatives, organisations, companies, legal practitioners, government departments and the like.
NSW Access Request for Personal Information under the Australian Privacy Principles (APP's)
Under the Australian Privacy Principles you are entitled to request a copy of any Personal Information that an organisation has recorded about you. A cost of $24.20 (inc GST) for all information contained in TICA's Databases. Payable by:
  • Electronic Funders Transfer (EFT)
A $24.20 (inc GST) fee applies for this request for all information contained in TICA databases.

No cheques or money orders are accepted by TICA as they cannot be banked.
Please DO NOT send cash as TICA does not accept responsibility for cash lost in the mail.

To obtain your report, please download and fill in the application form below and send to TICA via post.
Your report will be emailed or posted to you upon TICA receiving payment (please see application form below for further details).
QLD Residential Tenancy Database Report
Under the Australian Privacy Principles, you are entitled to access the personal information that a tenancy database operator holds on you.
Also, under section 459C of the Queensland Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008:
Subsection 2. A database operator must, if asked in writing by a person whose personal information is in the database operator's tenancy database, give the person a copy of the information within 14 days after the request is made and any fee for giving the information has been paid.
Subsection 3. If a fee is charged by a lessor or lessor’s agent for giving personal information under subsection (1), or by a database operator for giving personal information under subsection (2), the fee—
(a) must not be excessive; and
(b) must not apply to lodging a request for accessing the information.
A cost of $24.20 (inc GST) is payable by
  • Electronic Funders Transfer (EFT)
No cheques or money orders are accepted by TICA as they cannot be banked.
Please DO NOT send cash as TICA does not accept responsibility for cash lost in the mail.

To obtain your report, please download and fill in the application form below and send to TICA via post.
Your report will be emailed or posted to you upon TICA receiving payment (please see application form below for further details).
WA Residential Tenancy Database Report
Under the Australian Privacy Principles, you are entitled to access the personal information that a tenancy database operator holds on you.
Also, under section 82I of the Western Australia Residential Tenancies Act 1987:
Subsection 2. A database operator must, if asked in writing by a person whose personal information is in the residential tenancy database kept by the operator, give the person a copy of the information within 14 days after the request is made.
Subsection 3. If a lessor or lessor’s agent charges a fee for giving personal information under subsection (1), or a database operator charges a fee for giving personal information under subsection (2), the subsection applies only if the fee has been paid.
Subsection 4. A fee charged by a lessor or lessor’s agent for giving personal information under subsection (1) or by a database operator for giving personal information under subsection (2) —
(a) must not be excessive; and
(b) must not apply to lodging a request for the information.
A cost of $24.20 (inc GST) is payable by
  • Electronic Funders Transfer (EFT)
No cheques or money orders are accepted by TICA as they cannot be banked.
Please DO NOT send cash as TICA does not accept responsibility for cash lost in the mail.

To obtain your report, please download and fill in the application form below and send to TICA via post.
Your report will be emailed or posted to you upon TICA receiving payment (please see application form below for further details).
SA Residential Tenancy Database Report
Under the Australian Privacy Principles, you are entitled to access the personal information that a tenancy database operator holds on you.
Also, under section 99J of the South Australian Residential Tenancies Act 1995:
Subsection 2. A database operator must, if asked in writing by a person whose personal information is in the residential tenancy database kept by the operator, give the person a copy of the information within 14 days after the request is made.
Subsection 3. If a landlord or landlord's agent charges a fee for giving personal information under subsection (1), or a database operator charges a fee for giving personal information under subsection (2), the subsection applies only if the fee has been paid.
Subsection 4. A fee charged by a landlord or landlord's agent for giving personal information under subsection (1), or by a database operator for giving personal information under subsection (2)—
(a) must not be excessive; and
(b) must not apply to lodging a request for the information.
A cost of $24.20 (inc GST) is payable by
  • Electronic Funders Transfer (EFT)
No cheques or money orders are accepted by TICA as they cannot be banked.
Please DO NOT send cash as TICA does not accept responsibility for cash lost in the mail.

To obtain your report, please download and fill in the application form below and send to TICA via post.
Your report will be emailed or posted to you upon TICA receiving payment (please see application form below for further details).
NT Residential Tenancy Database Report
Under the Australian Privacy Principles, you are entitled to access the personal information that a tenancy database operator holds on you.
Also, under section 132 of the Northern Territory Residential Tenancies Act 1999:
Subsection 2. A database operator who keeps personal information about a person in a tenancy database must give the person a copy of the information if the person asks for the information in writing, unless the operator charges a fee for giving the information and the fee is not paid.
Subsection 3. The landlord or database operator must give the copy of the information to the person within 14 days after the later of:
(a) the day the person asks for the information in writing; and
(b) if a fee is charged for giving the information – the day the fee is paid.
Subsection 4. A fee charged by a landlord or a database operator for giving personal information under this section:
(a) must not be excessive; and
(b) must not apply to lodging a request for the information.
A cost of $24.20 (inc GST) is payable by
  • Electronic Funders Transfer (EFT)
No cheques or money orders are accepted by TICA as they cannot be banked.
Please DO NOT send cash as TICA does not accept responsibility for cash lost in the mail.

To obtain your report, please download and fill in the application form below and send to TICA via post.
Your report will be emailed or posted to you upon TICA receiving payment (please see application form below for further details).
VIC Free Residential Tenancy Database Report
This report is based only on one database that TICA holds if you are listed as a default tenant
Under Section 439I of the Victorian Residential Tenancies Act 1997
Subsection 2. A database operator must, if asked in writing by a person whose personal information is in the residential tenancy database kept by the operator, give the person a copy of the information within 14 days after the request is made
Subsection 3. If a landlord charges a fee for giving personal information under subsection (1), or a database operator charges a fee for giving personal information under subsection (2), the subsection applies only if the fee has been paid.
Subsection 4. A fee charged by a residential rental provider for giving personal information under subsection (1), or by a database operator for giving personal information under subsection (2)
(a) must not be excessive; and
(b) must not apply to lodging a request for accessing the information
(c) must not apply to the first instance of a database operator and a residential rental provider giving personal information to a person under subsection (2) within any 12 month period.
To obtain your free copy, please download and send to TICA via post. Your report will be emailed to you.
NB: if no information is held on the TICA Residential Tenancy Database, a report will not be emailed.
NB: This service only applies to a person (the tenant) and does not apply to their representatives, organisations, companies, legal practitioners, government departments and the like.
VIC Access Request for Personal Information under the Australian Privacy Principles (APP's)
Under the Australian Privacy Principles you are entitled to request a copy of any Personal Information that an organisation has recorded about you. A cost of $24.20 (inc GST) for all information contained in TICA's Databases. Payable by:
  • Electronic Funders Transfer (EFT)
A $24.20 (inc GST) fee applies for this request for all information contained in TICA databases.

No cheques or money orders are accepted by TICA as they cannot be banked.
Please DO NOT send cash as TICA does not accept responsibility for cash lost in the mail.

To obtain your report, please download and fill in the application form below and send to TICA via post.
Your report will be emailed or posted to you upon TICA receiving payment (please see application form below for further details).
TAS Residential Tenancy Database Report
Under the Australian Privacy Principles, you are entitled to access the personal information that a tenancy database operator holds on you.
Also, under section 48ZC of the Tasmanian Residential Tenancies Act 1997:
Subsection 2. A database operator must, if asked in writing by a person whose personal information is in the residential tenancy database kept by the operator, give the person a copy of the information within 14 days after the request is made.
Subsection 3. If an owner or owner’s agent charges a fee for giving personal information under subsection (1), or a database operator charges a fee for giving personal information under subsection (2), the subsection applies only if the fee has been paid.
Subsection 4. An owner or owner’s agent charging a fee for giving personal information under subsection (1), or a database operator charging a fee for giving personal information under subsection (2), must ensure that the fee –
(a) is not excessive; and
(b) applies to the giving of the information and not to the lodging of a request for the information.
A cost of $24.20 (inc GST) is payable by
  • Electronic Funders Transfer (EFT)
No cheques or money orders are accepted by TICA as they cannot be banked.
Please DO NOT send cash as TICA does not accept responsibility for cash lost in the mail.

To obtain your report, please download and fill in the application form below and send to TICA via post.
Your report will be emailed or posted to you upon TICA receiving payment (please see application form below for further details).
ACT Residential Tenancy Database Report
Under the Australian Privacy Principles, you are entitled to access the personal information that a tenancy database operator holds on you.
Also, under section 95 of the Australian Capital Territories Residential Tenancies Act 1997:
Subsection 2. A database operator who keeps personal information about a person in a residential tenancy database must give the person a copy of the information if—
(a) the person asks for the information in writing; and
(b) if the operator charges a fee for giving the information—the fee has been paid.
Subsection 3. A lessor, lessor's agent or database operator who is required to give personal information under this section must give the information to the person within 14 days after the later of—
(a) the day the person asks for the information in writing; and
(b) if a fee is charged for giving the information—the day the fee is paid.
Subsection 4. A fee charged by a lessor, lessor’s agent or database operator for giving personal information under this section—
(a) must not be excessive; and
(b) must not apply to lodging a request for the information.
A cost of $24.20 (inc GST) is payable by
  • Electronic Funders Transfer (EFT)
No cheques or money orders are accepted by TICA as they cannot be banked.
Please DO NOT send cash as TICA does not accept responsibility for cash lost in the mail.

To obtain your report, please download and fill in the application form below and send to TICA via post.
Your report will be emailed or posted to you upon TICA receiving payment (please see application form below for further details).